
Upgrade your favorite zesto with 6 and 8 ingredients with € 4.50 and € 5.50 respectively!


Finally, the time has come for our favorite zesto to grow even bigger, coming to you with 6 or 8 ingredients at special prices !

Now, you can visit an everest store or order through the https://www.everest.gr or everest app and prove how creative and hungry you can be! Enjoy it with 6 different materials at the preferential price of € 4.50 or - if you dare - with 8 materials at € 5.50!

Come and create freely! We look forward to seeing your unique order that includes a legendary zesto!

can be.

* Offer is valid only with everest bread

** Offer is valid only with the addition of 6-8 different ingredients from the hot sandwich and salad post

*** In case of adding extra materials (beyond the 6-8), the customer will pay for the ones with the lowest price

**** The offer is valid for a limited time in all everest stores, can not be combined with other special prices or offers and can be withdrawn without prior notice.

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